Archive for October, 2008

TVNZ 7: Countdown, opener and more, 2008

October 28, 2008

TVNZ has it’s own news channel of sorts.  It’s called TVNZ 7, and it’s commercial free.

Here’s how the channel works.  From 6am to 9am, 3 hours of rolling news.  The rest of the day’s schedule is made up of 10 minute news bulletins, called TVNZ News Now, and documentaries and information programming for the rest of the hour.  The exception is at 8pm when you have an hour long “TVNZ News at 8”.  From midnight to 6am, TVNZ runs an “overnight information service”, which I must assume to be text based information.

Anyway, here’s a little sample of how the channel looks.

I notice they’ve borrowed the BBC News idea of a countdown to the top of the hour.  Looks quite good.  Shame there’s no facility to watch the channel or at least the bulletins online.

Stay tuned for more after the break.

TVNZ One ident + news opener

October 18, 2008

TNVZ is perhaps one of the most recent state-owned broadcasters in the world.  Although it originally launched in 1980 after the merger of Television One and TV2 and being paired alongside Radio New Zealand as part of the BCNZ, TVNZ wouldn’t appear on it’s own until 1988, after it had been separated from RNZ.

As such TVNZ doesn’t have the depth of history that some other broadcasters have.  But from 2005, here’s an ident for TVNZ One, and the opener to One News Tonight.

Looking for more TVNZ out there, as I go, and hopefully, I’ll have some more for you shortly.  Stay tuned!