Archive for the ‘CNN Headline News’ Category

CNN Headline News Segment Titles and more…

September 26, 2008

It can be amazing what you find on the internet sometimes.  I was looking for some more Headline News material, and discovered this.  It’s about 7.5 minutes long and might seem a bit boring at first as the disembodied voice explains how you create multilayered graphics, but stick with it.  At about 4 minutes 30 seconds in he starts showing you some real world work he’d done, and not long after that, you realise that this guy designed the segment opens for CNN Headline News.  The opens date from 1989 so it’s fascinating to see these without any anchors interrupting them.

I promise you, I’ll keep looking for some more great stuff like this.

CNN Headline News Opening Titles 1992

May 24, 2008

This is a title sequence that I remember well.  When CNN International showed Headline News bulletins in the second half of some hours, this was the title sequence they used and the music.

I liked Headline News back then, a half hour of news, business and sport, every half hour, non-stop, around the clock.  That might sound boring to some, but its perfect for me.  I can choose to pick up the news when I want to, not when the schedulers say I should.  24-hour cable news in the US has lost that ability, by becoming appointment to view television.  That’s a shame.