TVNZ One ident + news opener

October 18, 2008

TNVZ is perhaps one of the most recent state-owned broadcasters in the world.  Although it originally launched in 1980 after the merger of Television One and TV2 and being paired alongside Radio New Zealand as part of the BCNZ, TVNZ wouldn’t appear on it’s own until 1988, after it had been separated from RNZ.

As such TVNZ doesn’t have the depth of history that some other broadcasters have.  But from 2005, here’s an ident for TVNZ One, and the opener to One News Tonight.

Looking for more TVNZ out there, as I go, and hopefully, I’ll have some more for you shortly.  Stay tuned!

CNN Headline News Segment Titles and more…

September 26, 2008

It can be amazing what you find on the internet sometimes.  I was looking for some more Headline News material, and discovered this.  It’s about 7.5 minutes long and might seem a bit boring at first as the disembodied voice explains how you create multilayered graphics, but stick with it.  At about 4 minutes 30 seconds in he starts showing you some real world work he’d done, and not long after that, you realise that this guy designed the segment opens for CNN Headline News.  The opens date from 1989 so it’s fascinating to see these without any anchors interrupting them.

I promise you, I’ll keep looking for some more great stuff like this.

BBC News 24 Launch 1997

September 20, 2008

BBC News 24, or the BBC News Channel as it is now known, launched on Sunday 9th November 1997 at 5.30pm in the afternoon.  There was a half hour ‘preface’ before the first bulletin, and before the preface, the very first BBC News 24 countdown…

Stay tuned for more from BBC News 24/BBC News Channel shortly here on Ident City.

Bravo Extended Ident 1988-1996

September 20, 2008

Few idents make an impact on me such that I can perfectly recall them years later without the aid of any video, but this extended ident for the original UK incarnation of Bravo, is one of those.  Very regal, visually stunning and reminiscent of several classic idents from the past.

A little extra information for you.  This ident aired twice a day on Bravo.  It was the first thing seen at startup at midday, and the last thing seen at closedown at midnight.

One of my all time favourites and I’m pleased to be able to present it here.

ABC1 UK PrimeTime ident

September 20, 2008

There are channels that come and go, and there are channels that stay.  Some of the better ones that disappear do manage to leave an impression that remains long after they’ve gone, and ABC1 is one of those channels.

Stay tuned.  More on the way shortly here at Ident City.

WCBS Sign-off (closedown) 1981

May 24, 2008

Here’s something that will be familiar to those of us in the UK in a sense, even though it’s from the US.  Specifically, it’s from CBS owned station WCBS TV in New York City.

In the UK, we call them closedowns, where the US use the term sign off.  But this blog won’t be signing off any time soon.  We’ll have more for you shortly.

CNN Headline News Opening Titles 1992

May 24, 2008

This is a title sequence that I remember well.  When CNN International showed Headline News bulletins in the second half of some hours, this was the title sequence they used and the music.

I liked Headline News back then, a half hour of news, business and sport, every half hour, non-stop, around the clock.  That might sound boring to some, but its perfect for me.  I can choose to pick up the news when I want to, not when the schedulers say I should.  24-hour cable news in the US has lost that ability, by becoming appointment to view television.  That’s a shame.

TF1 startup 1979-1985?

May 24, 2008

This is a bit of guesswork on my part as to the dates, if you know more, please do not hesitate to leave a comment telling me and I’ll alter it on here, but based on the very minimal amount of research that I have been able to find on the web about this, I would estimate that this startup aired from around 1979 to 1985.  Certainly the music has that 70s sound about it and the startup certainly does seem to be somewhat 70s in nature.  It’s also definitely on film, thanks to all the scratches and fluff that seem to be on the picture.

I’m doing a fair bit of hunting for other European countries presentation as well as a lot of UK, Ireland, Australia, US and Canada stuff.  Stay tuned for more.

SBS – Special Broadcasting Service 2008 ident

May 22, 2008

In Australia, SBS has recently relaunched with a new look and a new tagline, “Six Billion Stories and counting”.  Not surprisingly, the new idents involve that whole idea of individual stories.  Here’s one of them…

I can’t say I am a fan of this particular style, but I do think SBS have actually done a good job here.  Stay tuned for more after the break!

Fox Business Network debut – 15th October 2007

May 8, 2008

A real treat for you here, the launch of a channel. This is the debut of the Fox Business Network on Monday 15th October 2007. It was seen on only a few cable systems and on satellite in the US.

More to come soon. Stay tuned to this channel!